
Based in Valencia, Spain

Release date:
PC/Mac/Linux - January 2018

PC / Mac / Linux


Regular Price:


The Red Strings Club is a cyberpunk narrative experience about fate and happiness featuring the extensive use of pottery, bartending and impersonating people on the phone to take down a corporate conspiracy.


The professed altruistic corporation Supercontinent Ltd is on the verge of releasing Social Psyche Welfare: a system that will eliminate depression, anger and fear from society. However, the bartender of a clandestine club and a freelance hacker don't regard this evolution as an improvement but as brainwashing. Alongside unwitting company employees and a rogue empathy android, the duo will pull all the strings they can to bring down this scheme.


  • Cyberpunk Thriller Narrative: Uncover a mysterious corporate program that promises a blissful existence while debating what does happiness means and what lengths are permissible to obtain it.
  • Psychological Bartending: Read your customer's’ mood and mix the perfect cocktail to manipulate the client's emotions in order to gather the information you want and progress your agenda of stopping Supercontinent's plans.
  • Genetic Implant Pottery: Design genetic implants at a high-tech lathe to change the attitude and direction of the corporation’s most influential executives.
  • Vocal Corporate Espionage: Assume the voice of important figures in the Social Psyche Welfare project and play their own motivations against each other over the phone to uncloak their plans.


The Red Strings Club Announcement YouTube

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      About Deconstructeam

      Independent game development studio looking for new narrative experiences in games. Creators of Gods Will Be Watching and The Red Strings Club.

      More information
      More information on Deconstructeam, our logo & relevant media are available here.

      The Red Strings Club Credits

      Jordi de Paco 'GreyShock'
      Game Designer, Writer, Programmer

      Marina González
      Lead Artist

      Audio and Music

      presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks